Thursday, August 23, 2007

Professors quoted

Rebecca Tsosie, executive director of the Indian Legal Program at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, and Kevin Gover, a professor in the program, were quoted recently in an article in the Billings Gazette about Philip "Sam" Deloria becoming director of the American Indian Graduate Center in Albuquerque. Deloria has been the director of the American Indian Law Center for 37 of its 40 years, and helped found the Pre-Law Summer Institute, a boot camp for aspiring law students. He will now head the Graduate Center, which awards $8 million annually to graduate students. Both Tsosie and Gover praised Deloria for his leadership at the Law Center and his analysis of Indian policy. "He's someone who understands the whole process of how those policies work in tribal communities at a direct level," Tsosie told the Gazette. "He's one of the few people in the entire country who have that level of expertise." Gover said Deloria encourages debate on issues. "He's not one of those guys who insists you have to believe what he believes," Gover told the Gazette. "But he does insist you bring some real thought to your positions. He won't let you get away with conventional wisdom, or saying something that everyone says." Read the whole article here.

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